Thursday, May 10, 2012

Scrap Metal from Garbage Segregation

Garbage segregation is a challenge these days. People have to be educated in the area of protecting and preserving the environment. There are many substances that are harmful to the environment, even to persons, yet are continually used. The disposal of which requires extreme caution and care. There are materials too that are being used and must be recycled to help lessen the harm its disposal could cause. Burning materials which are not used anymore must be avoided at all times as the carbon emission has done great damage to the ozone layer already. This ozone layer in the atmosphere protects the earth from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Damaging the ozone layer lessens the protection the earth receives, and exposes all living creatures to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Scrap metals have many ways of being recycled. The used cans, doorknobs, utensils made of iron, ordinary bicycle parts and others can always go to the junkyard which packs these scrap metals into compact cubes ready for recycling. The recycling of scrap metals is highly laudable and helps preserve the natural resources by limiting the production thereof from the source. The mining industry might suffer business-wise, yet for the sake of preserving the earth’s natural resources, people have to mine from the scrap metals and not from underground when in trying to produce metallic containers and other utensils. Several non-ferrous materials such as plastic should not be burned, but can also be recycled. Aluminum, tin and other non-ferrous metals used to contain beverages or as any gadgets known to man can be reused and recycled as well.

Segregating waste materials is best done from the source- this means in the homes, or offices, or in the different industries. Scrap metal which comprise most of the recyclable metals can easily be hauled to the junk yards for recycling upon segregation. It might take longer to segregate and pile the non-ferrous metals into the different types. Aluminum is easily identifiable, yet identifying the other non-ferrous metals may be a challenge. The task may be tedious, but still, it remains helpful to be able to partially segregate solid waste for its proper disposal.